Friday, October 8, 2010

Michael Jackson in a Hyperbaric Chamber

This photo was taken in 1986 when Michael Jackson was sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber. Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat the body with oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. Having many health benefits taking hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Michael is said to sleep in this chamber regularly to keep his youthful appearance. 

this chamber regularly to keep his youthful appearance.
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wow this is OLD news! And it's not even fucking true!!! He went inside to see what it was like-he's not sleeping! somone snapped the photo of him inside it and made up a whole story about how he apperently slept in a hyperbaric chamber to obtain his youthlike apearence! THAT IS SUCH AN OLD TABLOID AND IT WAS NEVER TRUE SO GET IT OFF THE FUCKIN INTERNET!!!!! THERE IS NOTHING WEIRD ABOUT MICHAEL SO STOP THE TABLOIDS AND LET HIM REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
julia jackson, May 1, 2010

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